Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Well, it would appear that winter finally decided to come pay us a visit. Odd since our first snow storm this year came before Halloween. It didn't even get cold really until today. It's now snowing and I'm sure my boys will launch themselves at windows in the morning to see how much has fallen overnight and if it's still snowing.

You know, looking out the window at falling snow can be so incredibly peaceful. Just watching it build up on the cars and settle on the ground. Watching it fall from the sky in the light of the streetlights is a beautiful sight. Makes you wonder if you can catch that wonder and beauty in any man-made way. Probably not. I think this wonder belongs solely to God.

In the land of projects, I finished up my shawl. Well, almost. I still need to take the time to tuck in all the extra strands left over from tying in the next skein. It's a yarn that likes to fray though so I think it might be a tad bit difficult. I tied little knots in the yarn when I spliced it in to keep it from happening as badly, but I don't know if that was good enough. I'll look into it tomorrow. For now, it can happily sit on my shoulders and keep me warm. I took the dog out for his last evening outing. I got really cold. The shawl is very welcome at this point. I love it!

My middle son reminded me that I'd promised him a pair of knitted slippers last year. My aunt and uncle gave us a spectacular present of some serious cash last year. I ended up going nuts and buying them a lot of presents. Odd that he's "sad" over the slippers not being there. However, I came across an easy pattern this year that wasn't there last year. It looks a lot better, and easier, than the other pattern. As a matter of fact, I finished one slipper tonight already. It's so cute! Much better looking than the pattern from last year. It's easier because it's a like a curled up piece that's knitted all at once and only has 2 seams to sew. The other pattern I tried was made out of squares and had a ton of seams. I really didn't like it much. If you want to try it, it's called "Aunt Maggie's Slippers." Definitely worth a look if you're not the world's greatest knitter and want something easy yet functional. If I can do it, then any beginning knitter can too. *smile*

With that, I need to head to bed. I'm sure I'm going to have some seriously excited kids on my hands in the morning. That and I'm sure my hands could use a break from all the knitting and typing I've been doing. Poor little hands... *smile*

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