Sunday, May 07, 2006

Arabesque Continues

Well, I'm zipping right along on Arabesque now. I finished up with my knitting craze and turned it into a quilting craze. When I can "drop" one project like that and focus on another, I tend to get more finished. Amazing, huh? Okay, not really. It makes perfect sense.

The past few days at work, it has been VERY slow. I'm a medical transcriptionist and I only have work if the doctors cooperate and dictate enough visits for everyone in the work pool to have something to do. I had absolutely NOTHING come in last night. After sitting and waiting for work for an hour and a half, I called it quits and meandered off. See, I actually work for myself. I just contracted with another company to help me find work. It's a great situation. I enjoy it.

So, last night, DH and I watched "King Kong." I was not expecting what I saw. It's actually a really good movie. I was shocked. For the first time ever, I am going to be watching for movies by a specific director. Of course, that being Peter Jackson. He's awesome! Anyway, that movie was just over 3 hours long! Longer than that for us because of the puppy needing to go out, the baby waking up, etc. It just happens that way for us. Take the length of any movie and then add about another 45 minutes to it.

So, I put that time to good use last night. I finished up all of my applique on the bias borders and fixed one that was bothering me because it didn't "flow" right. Today, I have another "teardrop" formation ready to be put on and I traced a quarter of the design onto my fabric.

You see... Arabesque also requires a lot of embroidery, beading, quilting, and trapunto. I have a LONG way to go before this is finished. So, I'm splitting a few of the steps up to make it go faster. Or at least appear to go faster. At least if I'm bored with the applique, which is happening now pretty quick, I thought I'd have some of the next step ready for embroidery. I'm looking forward to that, but not to the french knots. I hate french knots. I'll change them to colonial knots as they're easier to do and almost always turn out perfect. But I still don't have to like them. I'd rather put beads instead, you know?

Anyway, it's not getting done with me sitting here! So, I'm off to go do some more applique before I go hunting for my embroidery thread. I have tons of it left over from when I did cross stitch. Up until 4 years ago, I had every single color DMC put out. So, I think I'm set for this project. :)

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