Sunday, June 11, 2006

Quilting Today

I think I might try and quilt today. This is a nifty realization on my part because I haven't been quilting in ages! As a matter of fact, my last post is probably one of the last times I did anything. I put Arabesque to the side and haven't done much since.

I tend to go through waves like that. My life is quilting and then it stops for awhile. As a matter of fact, I haven't done anything with my sewing machine in ages! As I discovered the other day, there's a reason for that. Okay, several reasons.

1) It has gotten WAY too hot in our home to really care lately. I could go into that in more detail as it's a very sore spot with me, but I won't bother.
2) My main sewing machine is in the living room. When my kids are awake, they really won't let me. Now that my youngest can walk, he's fascinated with the computerized panel on Mom's machine. You can't exactly quilt when the stitches are being changed on you all the time.

Okay, I guess those are the main 2 reasons. Outside of just not wanting to mess with it, I guess. You know, I did buy a smaller machine for a reason. It's easier to move around and take it where I need it to go. It's currently sitting in my sewing cabinet underneath my larger machine collecting dust. Maybe it's time to take it out and move it to the kitchen table. Run a few test seams to verify that I can do a 1/4" stitch with it. I did buy a 1/4" foot for it a little while back. One thing I love about that little machine is that I could get one of those little feet for a whopping $4. *grin* The feet for my main machine are astronomically expensive. Well, okay, maybe not that bad. But I did just pay $100 for the walking foot for it. GACK!

Now, to decide what to work on. I think I'll do one of the blocks for the BOM I'm working on. Then I'll probably see what else I want to do at that point. I REALLY want to start a Cathedral Window quilt. However, I feel guilty at starting something new when I have tons of other projects waiting to be finished. I also think I'll have to be content with a top as being finished. Maybe if we ever get the room then I can get a MegaQuilter or something like it. Then I'll finish more quilts completely.

Okay, I guess I'd better stop procrastinating if I'm actually going to do this. I'm off to dig out my smaller machine! Wish me luck!

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